update on Dad

Well, here's the latest.  My father had bronchitis complicated by COPD.  Evidently, this was the second episode  he's had this year - the first was in May.  I had no idea.  He wasn't as bad off in May as he was this time - being two hours away from heart failure - but it's just proof that his lungs are NOT in good shape. 

It scared him good!  It scared me!!  And I think good things are going to come of this... (not surprising since God is just cool like that ;-)

Dad said he might want "to get him some religion."  Now, I take that to mean he might actually attend a church service or two where he could hear the word preached and possibly get saved, so that makes me happy!

He said he wants to slow down AND possibly move to Georgia.  Maybe even stay with us for awhile to get himself a good start...?  And surprisingly, I'm not freaked out by this. I would actually like to form a better relationship with him in whatever time we have left on this earth, AND I would drag him to church with us every Sunday.  So again, that would be another great chance for him to get saved and ready for what comes after death - you know, meeting your maker and all ;-)

Last good thing to come from this, it has motivated me to plan a trip to visit the family up north.  Not a single member of my family has even met Hannah, and although before that didn't bother me so much, after this scare, I am bothered by that.  So, there is a possible trip north planned for September. 

Like I said, good coming from bad. 

Like Joseph in Egypt...

Genesis 50:19-21 But Joseph said to them, "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don't be afraid. I will provide for you and your children." And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.


My dad is in the hospital tonight with complications due to COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.  Taken from the National Library of Medicine...

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most common lung diseases. It makes it difficult to breathe. There are two main forms of COPD:
  • Chronic bronchitis, which involves a long-term cough with mucus
  • Emphysema, which involves destruction of the lungs over time
Most people with COPD have a combination of both conditions.

It's not surprising that he suffers from this. He's been a smoker forever.  So when my sister called to tell me the news, I kinda smiled and giggled. I mean, what did you expect?!  You treat your body like that and you get what you get.

Now I feel like S#!& for having that reaction.  (Sorry for the language, but there's no better way to say express how I feel right now.)

I just got off the phone with him - checking on him.  He lives in Indiana - all my family does - while I'm down here in Georgia.  Anyway, he didn't sound good.  And come to find out, he had quit smoking back in May when he found out he had this lung condition.  However, something he couldn't quit was his job.  He's a welder for Bethlehem Steel located on the tip of Lake Michigan. 

It's probably this job that continued to aggravate his lungs and has now put him in the hospital where he's having trouble sleeping because he can't lay down due to severe chest pains.

I'm scared. 

I'm frightened this might be it.

He's not a Christian.

And despite our troubled past, I do love him.  Things are complicated between us, but he's my dad.

I'm not sure what to do with all this right now.  I just needed to type that.

Prayers, please?  I'll keep you updated.

The last time I saw my father. Christmas 2010.  He's with my nephew Lucas.


I'm sick. 

I've got a doctor's appointment for 1:00pm today, but I already know it's a double ear infection and possibly strep.  At least, that's how I feel right now.

I've only got two days left of summer - I head back to work on Wednesday - and THIS is how I feel!?

More than that though, I want to run!  I'm telling ya, when I'm not running, I think about it. I read about - check out this blog - and I look forward to when I can do it again.

It's so freeing. It makes me feel so good!  And I know it will be the key to my future success of losing these last four pounds I want to shed to hit my goal weight. 

I just want to RUN! 

I want to take off like Forrest Gump!

all about love

I've been seeking in my morning quiet time for a word from God about this upcoming school year.  Basically, I've been asking Him how I should approach it - this mission field He has given me.  I think I've gotten an answer...


Mark 12:38 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”
29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[e] 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[f] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[g] There is no commandment greater than these.”

This is not easy.  Last year and the year before that, it got harder.  That is it got harder to love my neighbor (colleague) as myself.  I'm pretty good, I think, at loving the unlovely students that come my way, but my colleagues?  Now, that's a challenge.

It's hard to love someone who doesn't respect you.  However, I think I've been hearing Jesus say to me these past few days that I need to try harder at this.

Luke 6:32 "If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you?"

Luke 6:33 "If you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you?" 

Each of the above bible verses is followed with "even sinners do can do that..."

I'm supposed to be different. I'm His child - a Christian.  I'm called to be different.  And although I won't execute this perfectly, I have to try to love unselfishly. 

Yesterday, when I was asking God for some kind of confirmation that this is the message I'm supposed to be receiving right now as I seek His will for the new school year, the song "All About Love" by Steven Curtis Chapman popped up on my Rhapsody app that I was listening to.  It made me pause; it made me think about what God had said to me that morning in my quiet time.  I really felt like it was Him reaching out to me.  A confirmation since I don't believe in coincidences. 

So ya'll, it's gonna be all about love (the verb) this school year.  Loving my students.  Loving my colleagues.

I think this could spill over into the rest of my life too.  I need to teach Beth and Hannah that love is a verb.  It's something you do and not just feel.  I need to be more loving toward my family.  Really - you might not guess this about me - but I can be pretty selfish. 

So, here it is - it's "All About Love"


Ya'll, I can't believe I'm typing this... but, here it goes....

I enjoy running!

Yep! I do! Crazy, right?

I never pegged myself to be someone who would WANT to run let alone train for a 5K, but I'm doing it!

I found this app for my phone - Ease into a 5K.  It's great!  It's pushing me to do things I never thought I could be physically able to do AND enjoy.  I highly recommend it!  Looks like this...

Amazingly though, it's the truth!  I can't wait to wake up and complete the next day in my training.  I LOVE running. I even got some new running shoes!  Soooo excited!!!

Why running?  Well, I think it's because it gives me time to do something for myself. I feel myself getting more fit.  My body is actually better than it was before I had Hannah!  And when I feel good about my body, I feel good about life.

Also, I consider this body to be a temple of the Lord! I enjoy taking care of it and being sure it is in tip top condition for whatever He has come my way.  1 Corinthians 3:16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? 17 If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.

So here's my plan for keeping up with this after I go back to work...  Quiet time with the Lord in the mornings (5:30am) and running will have to be after the girls are in bed on Tuesdays and Thursdays (7:30pm or 8:00pm).  Hubby can watch them then - he does his training in the mornings at the YMCA.  Then on the weekends, I can catch one more day to train.  That makes for a three day training week.

Well, that's it. I just had to share that.  Here is a link to the first 5K I plan on completing with my husband and a friend of mine - Action Dash

The goal is to be ready to run my first 5K by labor day weekend, and then my goal is to at least finish the race ;-)

I'll keep you posted.   (((hugz)))

T-Minus 8 Days and Counting

Including today, I have 8 days of summer left.  Teachers report back to work on July 25th. 

I have mixed emotions about this - which surprises me!  Usually, I'm ready to go back - GAME! ON!  However, this year, I think the reason I'm hesitant to jump back into my mission field is because of all the stress that comes along with that part of my life.  Sad thing is, it really doesn't have to be that way...

Teachers have so much working against them lately.  I mean, I always knew I would be underpaid, under appreciated, and overworked, but last year, it just got ridiculous! 

Underpaid now means 8 furlough days and no pay step increase until January instead of August. 

Under appreciated thankfully changed somewhat this last year; although, I kinda had to stand up for myself unexpectedly (long story, not for a blog).  Anyway, respect is hard to come by from fellow employees, parents, and society in general these days.

Then there's overworked... *sigh*  This is what makes me pause the most about coming back into the classroom in 8 days.  There's just sooo much to do! And now thanks to Obama's Race to the Top, there's even more reading and writing requirements to push at these kids!  It's overwhelming to think about it.

Then there's a part of me that is looking forward to the routine of working, the fun of teaching and of being with high school students - yes, I do love it!  I do love coaching speech and debate too.  There's a lot of work to be done with that, but it is very rewarding!

I just need to get myself ready.  I need a new focus - a new vision - for this upcoming year, and the only way I'm going to get that is to get back into my quiet time.  Starting tomorrow, it's a 6am wake up call for me and my bible - despite the fact that the kids have been sleeping in until past 7am.  Doesn't matter, I'm getting up early to spend time with my Jesus.  He'll get me where I need to be before  go back to what He has called me to!  Now, THAT is exciting and something to look forward to!

(((hugz to all)))

Happy Birthday, Hannah Faith!

It was a great birthday party!  One of my favorites!!!  Here are a few highlights...  Be sure to watch the best smash cake video you'll ever see!

when your rainbow turns one...

Hannah's first birthday is Sunday.  Her first birthday party is tomorrow.

Firsts for her, and lasts for me - as we are not having any more kidos.  Which is okay with me - REALLY okay - however, it's just emotional knowing that this is it.  No more "first" birthdays or birthday parties.  No more little infant baby girl - I've got another toddler, ya'll! :-o

She is walking more.  It's shaky, but she is beginning to prefer it. 

She and I are so different in our relationship than the Beth and me relationship.  Sorry, I can't help but compare - is that normal?!  Anyway, it's hard to explain...  It's not a bad different - although, there are ways she frustrates me that Beth never did.  We are just different. 

I really appreciate those moments with her that we seem to connect - like communication happens. I "hear" her speaking to me - trying to get me to understand something cute or funny or otherwise.  She can't talk yet - obviously - but you know how little ones begin to "talk" to you in a way only you can understand?  Yeah, those moments.  I like those moments.  Need more of those ;-)

I'm pretty scared about school starting up again July 25th - that's when teachers go back to work here.  What scares me is that I'll lose touch with her again.  I've got her figured out - mostly - and I don't want to lose that.  I never had disconnect moments with Beth, and I don't want that to happen with Hannah again either.

It's also scary to think about all that is going to happen in this next year as we approach two years old... talking? walking better? running?! potty training?! 

It just all happens so fast.  To quote my favorite play Our Town... 

Emily Webb, dead, while reliving a day in her past says, "Just for a moment now we're all together. ...Just for a moment we're happy. Let's really look at one another!...I can't. I can't go on. It goes so fast. We don't have time to look at one another. I didn't realize. So all that [life] was going on and we never noticed..."

Well, tomorrow, I'll try to force myself to stop and enjoy the celebration of my rainbow turning one.  I'll try to stop and just look at her.  REALLY look at HER.

I think I'm ready...

Turn! Turn! Turn!

Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.

This was the subject of our ladies' Sunday school lesson today.  I'm telling ya, this book - The Resolution for Women - it has got wisdom in it, people! I'm really enjoying this time where our teacher's wife - Nicole - has been sharing with us from this book.  She's a great teacher - and a great blogger.  Check her out at Matters of a Mommy's Heart.

Anyway, as always, I left Sunday school reflective about what I'd learned and eager to "blog it out".  What does that mean?  It means, I've got some moments to myself where one kid is napping, one is having a quiet time with a movie, and a husband is quietly watching TV on the coach, so I have time to think!  The following is my thought process. In English teacher land, we call this stream of consciuosness writing.  Sorry.  This type of prose often is confusing, but it is most helpful for the reflective author ;-)

So, we were presented with this activity where we take all the responsibilities of our lives and put them into "boxes". Then, we had to color in the boxes to the level of time and effort we invenst into those boxes (responsibilities).  So, here are my boxes...

Box #1 Relationship with God (i.e. quiet time) 10%
           That is, I spend about 30 mins every morn with God before everyone awakes.  I'm better about this - surprisingly - when school is in session.  My life has more of a routine then.

Box #2 Relationship with Husband (i.e. time with him really communicating) 10%  
            Shameful percentage, yes, I know.

Box #3 Relationship with Children 50%
           My life is primarily about them and their needs right now. 

Box #4 Housework 5%
            People often say, "I don't know how you work full time and manage everything, Jamie."  Well, this is how.  My house is well... let's just say, we LIVE here. ;-)

Box #5 Work/Teaching and Coaching  50%
           When school is in session and I'm there, it's game on.  I consider this a mission field, so it does get a lot of me.  

Box #6 Church 5%
            Really, I don't think I"m over committed here.  I enjoy attending worship and Sunday school.  My only responsibilities are to being a room mom for two rooms - which is not that hard - and during the summer, I help out Wednesday nights.

Box #7 Friends 5%
           I'm a bad friend to have.   I don't keep in touch as much as I should. I'm better about it during the summer, but things kinda fall to the wayside when school starts. 

Box #8 Me  10%
           I strive to have me time as much as possible.  It's hard to carve that out, but I do make it a priority, kinda. ;-)

humm....  those percentages don't really add up well, do they? LOL 

The last part of the exercise asks... "Compare these boxes and prayerfully consider if your priorities reflect God's intentions for you in this season of your life."

Well, I am out of wack with my priorities.  Every now and then, it's good to take a step back and look at what isn't working and figure on how to fix it.  However, even better is taking the time to ask God what I should be doing and how to fix it so His priorities are my own.

I CLEARLY need to do that... now.  So, I'll leave you with this....

When I think of the bible verse in Ecclesiastes that I posted above, this song gets stuck in my head.  Here's to annoying you with it too!