
Friday, a colleague and I took a meal to someone I used to work with.  Now, we only got the chance to work together for a year, so it wasn't like I was taking a meal to an old familiar friend.  On the contrary, we hardly got a chance that year to converse with each other.  But when I heard about his struggle with cancer and his recent chemo treatments, I signed up to take him a meal. 

I was convicted by God that I needed to do this.  And as a child of God, when you feel the Lord put something on your heart - lay something HEAVILY on your heart - you do it!  And when you follow through, it turns out you receive more of a blessing than the person you set out to be a blessing to.

You see, that's how God works.  Well, at least, that's how I've seen Him at work in my life lately. You obey Him so that He can be a blessing to others through you and - BAM! - you've been blessed in the process too! 

It felt good to give that meal away, and it was GREAT hearing my former colleague's testimony of how God was working in his life. 

People! God is at work!

As I pondered all this, I wrote down a question:

Do you want the best this life has to offer?

And right now, you are like, "Duh! Of course!"

Then hear me. No. I mean REALLY remember this...

Sell out to Jesus!  Let Him be your guide; let Him sail your ship; let Him be the author of your story.


Now, I'm not perfect when it comes to doing this... that is... giving over control of all aspects of my life to God.  In fact, I frequently fight my desire to listen to my Lord's urgings in my life.  Truly, I almost talked myself out of taking that meal to my former colleague until God intervened and insisted that I do it (long story).  But, man! I am so thankful He doesn't give up on me despite me!  I am evidence of His unending patience and His amazing love. 

People, I am a work in progress - His work.

I am His masterpiece, and because of that, I am enough.

Those lines are from the movie Mom's Night Out.  GREAT movie! A must see for every mom!  It really addresses the issue of mommy guilt - something we ALL struggle with in some form.

Basically, the message of the movie is that God chose you to be the mom for your kids. He doesn't make mistakes, so despite those days when you feel as if you are not enough for the demands that your life as a mom to your particular kids presents, YOU ARE.  You are enough.  Because He made you.  Because He is continuing to mold you and make you into everything you are meant to be.

You are enough.  I am enough.

I need to remember that the days I don't feel as if I am enough.  And there are a lot of days like that...

I need to remember that I am enough for my kids, for my husband, for my students, and for my friends.  I need to embrace that. I need to embrace ME.  I am enough because He made me.  Because He is my potter and I am His clay.

And with Him by my side, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13).

Because He is enough.

Today's forget-me-not: I am enough because He is enough.  #freedominchrist


Today, I ran my 19th 5k.  And that just blows my mind...

Nineteen races! Complete!! #done

I'm dang proud of that accomplishment, and I'm proud to announce that I ran it in under 30 minutes.

29.58 to be exact. #firsttimeever

It was a repeat of a race I did this time last year for Med Assets. I loved that course then, and it continues to be a good one for me!

I never thought I'd see a twenty something on a race time, but today, I did.  And it's made me want to see that again.

If I really want that, I know what this means... it means I'll have to run more.  At least, three days a week. And I'll have to run more outside and on hills. 

But, at least now I know it's possible.  I can do it! (cue huge grin)

Anything is possible really... (cue inspirational music ;-)

With God on my side, anything is possible.  Running reinforces this truth in me.

However, I see this all the time in my life. HE pushes me to be better, and where it seems as if I'm falling short, HE fills in the gaps.  It's a beautiful thing this life lead by the Savior, Jesus.

You seriously have to meet Him and give Him the keys to your heart! It's a decision you'll never regret.

HE is my motivation.

When I'm teaching... when I'm trying to be a good friend... when I'm being a mom... and when I'm being a wife.

And when I run.

My music play list helps me focus on Him when I run, and it seriously motivates me to run faster and harder.  I want to end today's post with a link to one of my new favorites.  May it motivate you as it has me...

Today's forget-me-not: #jesus

Wordless Wednesday: A friend remembers...

My good friend Mary made this pic for my Angel. I just had to share it so you all could enjoy it too!

Thank you, Mary!

Today's forget-me-not: Angel

preacher say...

I once heard a preacher say, "God will not give you what you want until you come to a place in your life where what you want is what He wants."

I'm sure he had scripture to back that up, but I don't recall what it was.

When I heard that many years ago, I remember instantly giving my desire for a godly husband to God. I remember praying, "Lord, if you want me to be married, please lead me to a man who loves you with his whole heart! But Lord, if you don't want me to be married, I'm okay with that too.  You lead. I'll follow."

And, I meant it.

A few months later, it was 1996, I met my future husband - in a chat room (more on that later).

Now, it is 2014, and again, I hear the preacher's words... They echo in my head...

Why do I bring this up?  Because I interviewed for a teaching position at a different high school, and I didn't get the job.

Why, you ask?  Well, the principal said that she HAD to hire someone who would be willing to coach a sport.  And based on what my current principal told me, that is the truth.  She really wanted to hire me, but her hands were tied.

However,  when I asked GOD why I didn't get the job, I got a different reply, and it was a flashback to 1996... to that preacher and his words...

"God will not give you what you want until you come to a place in your life where what you want is what He wants."

Translation: I have to be content with my current situation before He will move me.  That is IF He wants to move me - which I believe He does.

In other words, I need to come to a place in my life where I accept my current position at my current location with my current student population and my current colleagues.

Easier said than done when your heart is already somewhere else.

But if I say I really believe in a God who knows what is best for me and mine and who is in control of all things, I need to - no - I MUST come to trust in Him completely.  I MUST be okay with my current lot for however long He sees fit - for a short time or a long time. I MUST believe that "Father knows best" and seek His will and His way for me in my current circumstances.

Philippians 4:11-13
11 For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

And so I say this to myself as much as to you...

Today's forget-me-not: Be content. With Him constantly by your side, you can do this! You can do anything!!